"Heroes" by David Bowie
By Marilyn Brach
My found object isn’t an object persay, but it is a song, "Heroes" by David Bowie. I believe the word “object” can be used very broadly when speaking of something we deem should be protected or important. So even though you can’t physically hold "Heroes" by David Bowie,you can play it on repeat and come back to it whenever you feel necessary. At first I wanted to preserve this iconic song because I loved it and the message was always something that resonated with me, but after looking into it more deeply there is actually a historical significance that I believe needs to be thought of whenever you hear "Heroes".After becoming burnt out by the nonstop demand of the music industry, Bowie chose to move to Berlin in 1976, where he was able to redevelop his musical craft. From that,"Heroes" was born. The song is about two lovers who live on opposite sides of the Berlin Wall. They are so determined to be together that despite the tumultuous political climate surrounding them, they meet everyday under a gun turret on the Berlin Wall. From 1961 to 1989, the Berlin Wall was a symbol for both the physical and ideological divide of Berlin. Bowie released on September 23rd, 1977, and it was initially a commercial failure, but it soon became an anthem not only for Bowie, but also for people all over the world. Two years before it was announced the Berlin Wall would be demolished, Bowie performed "Heroes" at the Platz der Rebulik Festival in what was West Berlin. While performing this powerful ballad about unity, people from East Berlin were listening from the other side of the wall, providing unity despite division.
The overall theme of Bowie’s classic "Heroes" is one of unity, showcasing that it is us
against the world. I believe this idea is always prevalent, but especially now with the on-going
pandemic and a current political system that feels hopeless. The world is a scary place and there
are few moments when everything is truly blissful, it seems as if there is always something
negative occurring in the world, but songs like "Heroes" provide an escape from reality and gives
us a sense of optimism for the future. As a result of the success from the book and movie, the
Perks of Being a Wallflower, a new and younger generation has adopted the tune as something
that exemplifies freedom and liberation. For me personally, whenever I listen to "Heroes" I feel as
if I am invincible and can conquer the world. No matter happy or sad, I can always count on
"Heroes" to lift my spirits. I believe the only word to describe this tune is timeless. It has been
around for almost 45 years, and continues to have an impact on people of all ages and each of
them have their own meaning for it, which I think is absolutely beautiful and why "Heroes" should
be remembered forever. Even though you can’t physically touch the song "Heroes" like a normal
object, it carries a historical significance and emotional weight any other object would.