Unveiling the Inner Artist: InterArts Cabinet of CuriosityMain MenuTrinity College's Cabinet of Curiosity: From History to ModernityMeet the ArtistsChapter 1: Something FoundChapter 2: The GiftChapter 3: TransformationChapter 4: Something Out of NothingInterArts 2021 Graduates32fb41d78a968da7f8bb959d89aa7e24d806b58b
Marilyn Brach
1media/0D7C4B4C-D0F2-42F0-8A72-A7A6483367D8_thumb.JPG2021-04-30T14:29:32+00:00Marilyn Brachbd597319bf74e65c499b9d230b9ca7a4635d36bc11plain2021-04-30T14:29:32+00:0041.749408333333,-72.692152777778Copyright 2020. All rights reserved.Marilyn Brachbd597319bf74e65c499b9d230b9ca7a4635d36bc
Marilyn Brach is an artist from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania currently enrolled as a first-year at Trinity College. Marilyn specializes in vocal performance and theatre, but loves to explore different artistic mediums. She loves to utilize her own personal experiences in her art as a way to bring people together. Marilyn is looking forward to furthering her artistic endeavors and becoming more involved in Trinity’s artistic community.