Naomi doesn't fully consider herself to be an artist, only because the term artist seems a little too professional, so instead she prefers to think of herself as an expressionist. She has used art to express herself since she was as young as seven years old, whether it be in a song she wrote and sang or a story she told to her family and herself over and over in her head. She was born in Worcester Massachusetts and raised by her mother who is one of her strongest inspirations. Coming from a singing family, she has large shoes to fill but has come to accept that as long as she is her authentic self in her expression, that she is doing her absolute best.
Her music style varies constantly, but can usually average out to a mix of pop and indie. Music to her is a way to either release the pains of life or celebrate the joys. It's a healthy outlet that is always there for her to exploit. She has recorded three songs since last year and although she has yet to release any to the public, she hopes to soon begin making music as a hobby/enjoyable career, but most likely under a pseudonym to avoid pressure.
Writing stories is another form of expression that Naomi frequently enjoys doing. Most of her stories are result of maladaptive daydreaming which she has done since she was young and then liked to call, "telling herself a story." She has written three short stories since arriving at Trinity in the fall of 2020, but hopes to one day finish her novel that she started senior year and publish short stories and novels as a career.
Academically, Naomi hopes to pursue psychology and neuroscience but is still trying to figure out her major. In everything she does she attempts to stay true to her faith and honor her family.