Unveiling the Inner Artist: InterArts Cabinet of Curiosity

Long Lost Words

By Mateja Markovic

Every opportunity I get to write music- I take it. Therefore, it would be quite silly if I chose any other project format for the “Something out of nothing” object. Let me commence by acknowledging the sheer magnitude of this challenge. To create something out of nothing- literally goes against the laws of Physics. Yet, to scientists’ heavy disapproval, Artists make things out of nothing each day. Of course, we say that only figuratively- art does come from somewhere very special.

Each individual has memories and feelings unique to themselves. We have each spent our lives forging new connections between our neurons, developing them into specific patterns. Art comes from those unique synapse connections.

Those who know me well will recall that I couldn’t be caught dead playing slow songs that aren’t heavy on the instrumentals. One might even say that I rarely pick up my acoustic guitar these days. However, I feel like this song required my special attention- and therefore a special treatment. This is because this very song is a piece of who I am- a piece that goes back further than my existence. I will explain in a second…

This song is originally a text written by one of the greatest poets in Belgrade. She was a very accomplished theatre actor back in the day, and then went on to have a 30 year career in education before retiring and dedicating the rest of her time writing poetry and prose. That very poet, Darinka Markovic, happens to be my grandmother.

It's important to remember that Darinka was in the process of raising two kids when her husband was called away for war. She was forced to escape from her home city and start over somewhere where she had no job and initially- nowhere to live. My grandma probably has one of the hardest life stories I have ever heard. However, here’s the kicker- she’s also the happiest person that I ever met.

I like to think that I inherited her ability to sail through hardships and still be able to enjoy life like she does, but only time will tell. Upon examining her poetry, one will find such a range of words- words and phrases that have never been grouped together, but that cause such strong emotion that the reader just might erupt in tears. I truly believe that she is one of the greatest, and most unique poets ever to exist.

This particular poem has a special place in my heart. Nothing says so explicitly, but I believe it is dedicated to my grandfather who died shortly before I was born. When I received the original manuscript, the poem was unpublished and unnamed. I made some big adaptations so the text would fit in the music, and assigned the chorus to what I thought was the strongest phrase in the piece. However, I did my best to preserve 90% of the original wording.

Musically, it is pretty simple. Starting and ending with four chords, the only thing that I needed to add before the song gained depth was a little bit of solo guitar. The rest of it- wrote itself around the lyrics.

“Long Lost Words”

My tears are flowing like rivers
The sea sends us shade
Inside me, I’m searching for love
How do I continue without it?

I give myself to the deceptive sleep
While the thunder rattles in the storm
And the sea is swinging me side to side
even more
Until I fall asleep.

On the cloud, the moon is sailing
Not worrying about destiny
Be brave, my darling
And patient, in your loneliness

I give myself to the deceptive sleep
While the thunder rattles in the storm
And the sea is swinging me side to side
even more
Until I fall asleep.

Why can’t I just see you?
I’ve forgotten how much I want you
Your invisible fingers are whispering
About our love

text: Darinka Markovic
adapted and arranged by: Mateja Markovic


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